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Stațiunile românești care rivalizau cu marile stațiuni europene dar care au ajuns în ruine. Exemple de decăderi și din alte țări

În timp ce unele țări se confruntă cu fenomenul supraturismului, România are o cu totul altă problemă: depopularea și căderea în ruină a unor locuri de agrement care rivalizau demult cu mari stațiuni europene. Unele…

This article explores why once-vibrant Romanian resorts that rivaled major European destinations have fallen into ruin. The main conceptual idea is that while widespread tourism can be a problem for some countries, Romania faces a different challenge: the decline and abandonment of tourist spots due to: * Disputable privatizations followed by lack of investment: * Local authorities' inability to attract investors: * Specific economic and demographic factors: The article uses the example of Vidra, a resort dreamed of as a future host of the Winter Olympics, to illustrate the stark contrast between its past grandeur and its current state of desolation. It emphasizes that this trend is not unique to Romania, as similar declines are seen in other European countries as well.

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